White House Suites i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonWhite House Suites


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Al-Hamra District, Makdessi Street, Beirut, Líbano
kontakter telefon: +961 1 749 771
internet side: www.whitehouse-lb.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.895888, Longitude: 35.486086

kommentar 5

  • Ali Soueidan

    Ali Soueidan


    It's nice organisation and clean

  • ar

    Maher Al Rifai


    ممتاز رغم وجوده في قلب المدينة كان الامر مقبول

  • Xish Xehman

    Xish Xehman


    its really good... Awesome service and facilities. The hotel is very nice and full of rich history. The bathrooms are large, many rooms have views of the bay, and the building has one of the oldest elevators still in operation. There are many shops in the hotel and nearby, so it's also just a great place to hang out, even if you're not staying overnight

  • Mohamad Kalash

    Mohamad Kalash


    Cozy place to stay a night or two

  • Hani Soweidan

    Hani Soweidan


    The location is so convenient in the heart of Hamra Beirut to spend your family vacation getting the best from Lebanon. The terrasse view where you can have a bite or a cup of coffee is epic on the first floor while you look at the pedestrians walk on the Makdessi street pavement... The prices of the apartment suites are super acceptable and the ambience you feel is: I'm Home

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