The Standard Hotel i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonThe Standard Hotel


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Yamout, Beirut, Beirut, LB Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961
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Latitude: 33.8973958, Longitude: 35.4787196

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tarek Fakhry


    Excellent stay and amazing staff.

  • en

    Rami Saidi


    very nice, clean and simple hotel..but its not a luxury hotel

  • Adeeb Trabulsi

    Adeeb Trabulsi


    One of the best hotels in Beirut. Clean and wonderful room service. It is not expensive comparing it to the rest of the hotels.

  • en

    Mima Che


    not clean beds not comfortable at all pillows are old toilets smell reception not friendly not helpful heater wasnt working during our stay informed reception twice didnt solve it. smoking smell in the building enters all rooms. tv not working the satellite keeps stopping out of nowhere. wifi was the only good thing but who would stay in the flat in auch conditions to use a wifi location being in center of hamra was the only convenient thing.still there are plenty of better hotels thought in same area. not worth the money !

  • en

    Ghaith M


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