35 Rooms i Bayrut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Libanon35 Rooms


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Baalback street، Bayrut, Líbano
kontakter telefon: +961 1 345 676
internet side: www.35rooms.com
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Latitude: 33.8945672, Longitude: 35.4843023

kommentar 5

  • Prabash Maduranga

    Prabash Maduranga


    Simple, and it works. Clean, reasonably priced and central location.

  • Nils Maier

    Nils Maier


    The hotel is very good. The rooms are modern. All clean. Friendly service. Nicely located next to Hamra street. And the price is very good.

  • en

    Rain bow


    I loved the hotel. Location is good, staff artw friendly. The room is nice and clean. Nothing to complain

  • Darryl Miller

    Darryl Miller


    Nice hotel in the heart of Hamra. It is walking distance to lots of shops and restaurants and close to DT Beirut. The rooms are clean and comfortable with daily housekeeping. The included breakfast is very handy and offers a wide selection of food and beverages. I stayed for 6 nights and was happy with this budget friendly hotel. Enjoy!

  • Xish Xehman

    Xish Xehman


    Prime location.. Nearly City And Beach. Room Biggest.. Parking space good... Food service good and taste.. Quicker service enable.. The hotel is very nice and full of rich history. The bathrooms are large, many rooms have views of the bay, and the building has one of the oldest elevators still in operation. There are many shops in the hotel and nearby, so it's also just a great place to hang out, even if you're not staying overnight..

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