Embassy - Hotel i Beirut

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LibanonEmbassy - Hotel


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Makdessi street - Facing Libanpost Hamra, Beirut, 2034-3503, Beirut, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 340 814
internet side: www.embassyhotellebanon.com
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Latitude: 33.8965013, Longitude: 35.4814732

kommentar 5

  • Michael Joseph

    Michael Joseph


    Small single room is like cell in jail do not every think to try no fridge, no terrace and no view with only one electricity slot beside bed and only other one in the top of clothes locker with very bad breakfast

  • Obayda Alhindi

    Obayda Alhindi


    Good location, okay service But a noisy and smelly place And come on guys 5$ for internet per hour ! What kind of hotels that charges its customers for WiFi ? it should be a free service !

  • osama z

    osama z


    Good location, you get what you pay nothing positive other than the location.

  • en

    hos chan


    The location is good. BUT... This is the worst hotel I have never seen, the hotel is dirty and filthy, they take the money from your card when you make a reservation and then they ask you to pay again when you're arrived even THOUGH the payment when though already, NO WIFI, You have to pay for it per hour! the guy at reception has no manor and provides the worst service you can imagine. if you want to complain there would be no to speak to he refused to call the manger or the person on charge...saying all time there no here he even refused to give their phone number! PLEASE, PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THIS HOTEL.

  • Andrea Julia

    Andrea Julia


    + Price is ok. Location is good. - Not clean. I asked for a double bed and got two single beds. Breakfast is not worth it, so many better places in the area!

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