Napoleon Hotel i بيروت

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LibanonNapoleon Hotel


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Nehme Yafet Street, بيروت, بيروت, LB Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 340 013
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8971254, Longitude: 35.4799923

kommentar 5

  • Phoenix Travel

    Phoenix Travel


    the hotel was so dirty and the staff was unrepeatable and the breakfast was untesty and few , the internet was so expensive and so slow its have to get zero star not 4 star its rely bolshet

  • Preet Kalra

    Preet Kalra


    I don't usually review hotels primarily because I don't stay at hotels, airbnb is my go to when I travel. However since I landed in Beirut at 4 am I decided to book a hotel because obviously they should be able to check me in if I have a reservation. I put it in the special request that I will arrive early morning so as to keep a room ready for me. I get here and obviously nothing is ready. Now I'm stranded in Beirut at 5am running on 2 hours of uncomfortable sleep. The guy behind the counter says check in can only be done after 12 and proceeds to show me in my emaik until he scrolls to the bit where i mentioned about my unusual time check in. He then said i would have to pay for the previous night. I said okay. Then he said oh but we dont have a room ready at the moment. Are you kidding?? Anyway it's now 9:30 am I've been loafing around the neigborhood and got some breakfast and coffee now back in the hotel lobby and 3 people have checked out since me sitting here and not once has he pushed anyone to get a room ready for me even after I asked him over and over. I haven't even made it up to the room yet and I'm already hating myself for wasting money booking at this garbage 1 star attitude hotel. STAY AWAY FROM THIS MESS. Never Again. Never. Again.

  • Virakocha JR

    Virakocha JR


    Переночувати можно. Як для таких умов у Бейруті це відносно недорого. У номері все необхідне є, розміщення готелю зручне. Дуже брудно: заляпаний ковролин, у кондері вже оселились якісь створіння серед кілограмів пилу, усе розхлябане та розболтане. Завтрак проблем із травленням не створив. Загалом - місто безпечне.

  • amer wahba

    amer wahba



  • Iss Ino

    Iss Ino


    Vorsicht abzocke !!!!!! Dreckige Zimmer. Extrem überteuert. Versteckte Kosten !!!!!!! Ein Stern ist zuviel. Sehr schlechter Service...

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