Hotel Cavalier i بيروت

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LibanonHotel Cavalier


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Abdel Baki Street, بيروت, بيروت, LB Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 353 001
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8957371, Longitude: 35.4864863

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jean Marc BARRETY


    Nice place , good location and very good wifi

  • en

    Omar Adra


    Conveniently located, the hotel has quite friendly personnel, a comfortable bed and clean sheets- the only downside is that it is rather noisy at night due to the close proximity of restaurants/night clubs; would still recommend it overall

  • Walid Ayadi

    Walid Ayadi


    Excellent hôtel. Au coeur de el Hamra street. Luxueux pour ceux qui payent le luxe.

  • Dolores AD

    Dolores AD


    We stayed on the sixth floor where the rooms are renovated, so our room and bathroom were spacious, clean and functional. You don't get much of a view from the sixth floor, but on Saturday nights you do get an earful from the club across the street. The breakfast was local, but good, lacking a bit in fruit. Don't order expresso's because they cost 8 dollars. Everyone working at the hotel was very helpful and kind. The neighborhood is lively in the evenings and not touristy.

  • en

    Tom Field


    Nice place, clean and tidy and friendly staff. Doubled up doors on the balcony is a really nice feature, made for a very quiet room in a busy part of town. Not exactly a classy part of town but just a short cab ride or 30min walk to the high end area's. Breakfast did not look appetising but plenty of places to eat out near by. Did not order food from room service but the choices on the menu looked good.

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