G Spa i بيروت

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LibanonG Spa



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Independence Street (Elias Sarkis Avenue), بيروت, بيروت, LB Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 210 220
internet side: www.gspa.me
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Latitude: 33.8866682, Longitude: 35.5146536

kommentar 5

  • en

    Glynn Symes


    One of the best Spas in Beirut. The ambience, staff, attitude and professional standard in general, are all excellent!!

  • en

    Charles Loewe


    I have been twice for massages. The first time I arrived to find that the person who had taken the appointment had made a mistake about the date. No apologies but I was offered a 30 minute massage instead of the 50 minutes I had booked. That then turned into a 20 minute massage, which was in fact a 15 minute massage. A very pricy 15 minutes. I was promised that there would be no shortcuts on my next visit. I went back again, attuned to the possibility that my massage would be shorter than what I had paid for. Same problem. Yes, these are first world problems and should be no big deal, but I can't understand why G Spa can't just give their clients the service promised. There's a massage place across the street from the Radisson Martinez that offers the same ambience and cheaper prices without the shortcuts.

  • Antoine D

    Antoine D


    G spa is not only for Spa , massage and relaxation, but also for fitness. G-Fit is one of the best equipped fitness centers in Beirut with the best trainers, despite its moderate size.

  • Mehrnaz Farahmand

    Mehrnaz Farahmand


    A bit pricey, but very nice, very posh and pampering experience. We went for massage, hamam and I had my nails done there and we were very happy with the service overall. My nail do was a real treat compared to what I get in London.

  • en

    Karine H


    This is the worst spa i've ever been to and on top of that it is one of the most expensive one you will find in Beirut. I had the worst pedicure: no cream or scrub or even polishing the feet!!! Scandalous. Also I wanted a bikini wax and they only use strips; if you are a minimum qualified you know that you only use hot wax for sensitive area. She also did it so badly it looked like I did it myself. I've had better jobs in places where I paid 1/4 of the price. NEVER AGAIN

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