Four Seasons Hotel Beirut i Beirut

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LibanonFour Seasons Hotel Beirut



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Wafik Sinno, Beirut, Beirut, LB Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 761 000
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Latitude: 33.9014347, Longitude: 35.4882645

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hussein Kawtharani


    I work there and its just superb... They qre super clean super customer oriented and supper professional

  • en

    Kevin Chemaly


    The most amazing Hotel in Lebanon. Beautiful service full of expertise and knowledge. Keep it up!!

  • en

    Defne Artar


    Great service! Great staff! They are one of the best few and I have been some really good ones! The food is exeptionally delicious but so is every-where in Beirut. However here in Four Seasons you get it with extra style. I fell in love with the labneh here in Beirut where is its heart of course. They serve the best labneh in breakfast which was a joy for me. The hotel's location is great as you can walk to The Souks and you must. Very close to the marina for a nice meal too. Its pool and spa are also 5 stars.

  • en

    Nader Zarif


    This review is based on the food and not the rooms. My company had the annual iftar there. The food is made by the hotel. Most of the it was good. Nothing astonishing. The downside was the dessert. Most of it was average and some were below average.

  • Nas F

    Nas F


    My favorite place for a weekend breakfast outdoors on a terrace. The food is buffet style with a huge range of dairy products, fruits, bread and pastries. There’s also a menu with several breakfast foods that can be ordered on demand and included within the set buffet price (60,000 LBP at the time of review). This is by far my go to breakfast place in Beirut. Great food and superb service every time.

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