RUD Beauty Concept i El Mansouryet, Mont-Liban

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonRUD Beauty Concept



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Mansourieh Main Road - Hajj Building، El Mansouryet, Mont-Liban، Liban
kontakter telefon: +961 4 534 370
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.853451, Longitude: 35.5655

kommentar 5

  • Eline Nehme

    Eline Nehme


    All beauty and technology services under one roof... le nec le plus ultra de l’hygiene et la courtoisie envers le client!! Way to go

  • en

    krys keurk


    excellent service, amazing friendly staff, great body and facial treatments

  • en

    Ghina Kobtan


    Amazing place with super professional care. I would highly recommend RUD for all your beauty needs from hair, to nails to massage.

  • en

    Jess Haddad


    I would highly recommend RUD Beauty Concept. I am a regular salon goer and have to say this is my favorite. The ambiance is beautiful and relaxing the decor is really fab. The owner has put a great effort into the place. The services they provide is excellent. Everything is modern and they are well up on new products and techniques not to mention advice!

  • milana sheina

    milana sheina


    One place for all your beauty needs! RUD is one of the most luxurious spas in Lebanon with huge variety of services and very professional stuff. Love RUD Beauty Concept❤️

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