Eden Spa i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonEden Spa


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Hamra, Beirut, Líbano
kontakter telefon: +961 71 464 656
internet side: edenspabeirut.com
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Latitude: 33.8963215, Longitude: 35.4839351

kommentar 5

  • en

    alza monzer


    It was really good experience at eden spa and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in relaxing massage 💆

  • en

    Layan Doweik


    Worst spa ever!!! Dont ever try it! I had a 2 hour royal massage that was supposed to be relaxing but it turned to be the worst experience!! They had all the place being renovated and the noise was all over the place when i came to complain the manager told me to get out of the place saying “allah ma3ek” in a very rude way!

  • en

    Julien Haddad Haddad


    One of the best massage center in lebanon , very clean rooms , shower inside the massage room . The ladies are from phillipine but all of them have thai certificates . You will go out full of power after the session

  • Mroue26



    you get a good massage but when you pay double for a VIP luxury package to add sauna, jaccuzi and steam room its not worth it they let you in for 4-5 minutes then yalla hapipi good bye. 😑

  • en

    Nadine O


    The lady who greeted us at the reception (Fatima) was very kind and helpful. The place is well decorated and clean and the staff that were performing the treatment were professional. It was truly a wonderful experience

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