Coral Beirut Al Hamra Hotel i Bayrut

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LibanonCoral Beirut Al Hamra Hotel



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Rue Baalback، Bayrut, Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 343 411
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Latitude: 33.894901, Longitude: 35.479735

kommentar 5

  • HERCULES berg/mann

    HERCULES berg/mann


    Very nice place clean and very very friendly service I recommend to visit this hotel. With love from Greece 🇬🇷 🇱🇧 love beirut

  • Samer Ata

    Samer Ata


    Good hotel. Nice and clean rooms. Staff is nice. No night club. A famous, great restaurant named Barbar is nearby. Walking distance to Raouché. 70 dollar for a twin room.

  • Mohamad Nasri

    Mohamad Nasri


    I just attended a wedding party there... I liked the hotel lobby where I rested for a couple of breaks. I wondered though whether the noise from the wedding party reaches to the guest rooms or not. Good ambience and interior design as a whole. Hotel location is also very good.

  • Henry Hallal

    Henry Hallal


    Good hotel for the price. It’s in the middle of Hamra city. Lots of places to eat within walking distance. They have a small gym, with basic equipment. I only have 2 complaints, the air conditioning is centrally controlled. My room was very hot and I could not adjust the AC. Also, the street can be a little noise in the weekend due to the weekly wedding parties at the hotel.

  • Jana Müller-Kress

    Jana Müller-Kress


    Sauber, aber sehr unpersönlich, schlechtes Frühstück

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