Zoukotel - Hotel i Haret El Mir

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LibanonZoukotel - Hotel


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Haret El Mir, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 9 215 900
internet side: www.zoukotel.com
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Latitude: 33.9715491, Longitude: 35.6117069

kommentar 5

  • gaming withmaestro

    gaming withmaestro


    best hotel

  • en

    Rafael Jbaii


    They are nice and take care off all what you need just review the bill befor paying because maybe they will tip them self knowing you did already tip them 😬

  • en

    Nader Assi


    I stayed with my wife for a weekend. Lovely staff. Very fast check in process. Very amicable manager on duty; arranged several restaurant reservations. The room was very clean. Good location.

  • en

    mas sal


    I stayed in Zoukotel for 3 nights from the 30 of June till the 3 of July. This was not my first the staying there however the friendly and family oriented experiece was one and the same. Great pool, amazing service, friendly staff and great location in close proximity to major restaurants and touristic attractions. The best deal when it comes to value for money.

  • en

    Salim Al Fakih


    Stayed at Zoukotel for a week... Very affordable prices, top location, free parking, free wifi everywhere, extremely friendly and helpful staff, spacious rooms, great food, quiet surroundings and an amazing private pool which is ideal for families and specially for kids. Highly recommended!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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