Senses Hotel & Resort i Zouq Mkayel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonSenses Hotel & Resort


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Zouq Mkayel, Líbano
kontakter telefon: +961 9 213 212
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Latitude: 33.9743424, Longitude: 35.6093378

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Ibrahim Kalouche


    Acceuil très froid presque inexistant , il faut juste payer, le « bodyguard » de l’accueil fouille les sacs avec sa main nue , Grande piscine avec des escaliers dangereux, limite des marches difficilement identifiable, l’eau n’a pas l’air très propre, le maître nageur surveille de loin sans trop bouger et surtout les seules tables où on peut manger sont salles et rouillées sans aucune protection du soleil ni de personnel disponible avec des prix exagérés, musique bonne au début mais se mélangeant après avec la musique du resort à côté qui est beaucoup plus forte du coup que du bruit!

  • Elie Jarjour

    Elie Jarjour


    Grande Piscine sympa mais surfréquentée !! Petite piscine pour enfant inutilisable cause eau très froide !! Consommation excessivement chère.... Musique à haut volume génant avec interférence d'autre sons musicaux venants des endroits à proximité. On a quand meme passé une bonne journée faute de mieux.....

  • Mano Bardakjian

    Mano Bardakjian


    Very nice hotel and resort great views beautiful outdoor and indoor pool very nice staff nice rooms with patio Very safe and comfortable place to bring ur family. Highly recommended.

  • Mohammed Shafei

    Mohammed Shafei


    Unclean, smelly, and not-well-cared for place in a beautiful spot. What a shame and what a lost opportunity. I stayed there for a work meeting but wouldn’t return there if I was paying. The area is okay, you get to go to a well-equipped gym next door, and the sea is beautiful, but at the end of the day you return to a smelly bathroom and a room that’s been barely cleaned. Sleeping next to the previous guests’ dandruff isn’t my cup of tea.

  • en

    hossam hamdy


    I was robbed in this hotel, I left my money in my carry on bag in the room considering it safe like hundreds of the decent hotels I stayed in around the world but I was wrong, 1 hour before I leave to the airport I wanted to take my money I put in the bag but only found the change left there while they took all the 500 bills. I complained to the hotel manager who was frustrated with the event but when she called the hotel owner who told her to wait & do nothing I was extremely disappointed, I called the police who wanted me to come to the station to file a report but I had a flight in less than 2 hours I would have missed it if I did (I almost missed it). Hotel management promised to look at the cameras & investigate & return my money back but of course no feedback once I left the hotel! They were only fast in debiting my credit card with the full amount of my stay after I was robbed. Except for the manager & one receptionist most of the hotel crew are not professional & lack experience beside having thieves among them. My advice is don't stay there, look for a safer place!

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