MOCEAN Beach & Sports Club i Kaslik

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonMOCEAN Beach & Sports Club


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Sea Side Road, Kaslik, Kesrouane, LB Líbano
kontakter telefon: +961 9 214 412
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.976163, Longitude: 35.610422

kommentar 5

  • Michel Bou harb

    Michel Bou harb


    Waiters are not fast and couches are dirty. But it's fine for swimming

  • en

    Aziz Haddad


    Good resorts nice location 🇱🇧👍

  • Charbel Kahwaji

    Charbel Kahwaji


    Great service , delicious food , fair prices compared to other pools , great maintenance and great customer care

  • Tony Janho

    Tony Janho


    The overall rating is good, however today the music was so loud for no apparent reason, unless they were testing the equipments

  • Ange Zgheib

    Ange Zgheib


    Worst pool ever! It is 2.5 meters deep: not suitable for kids. 2 people were drowning and the life guard didn't even bother help them. The staff also doesn't clean after customers. People left since the morning and they didn't even bother clean after them. The showers are old and rusty and their water is disgusting. The entrance fees are very expensive with a horrible annoying staff. The music is also awful and annoying. Don't go there if you are planning to have fun.

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