Prana, Chilling Space i Jal El Dib

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LibanonPrana, Chilling Space



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Bank Byblos street، Jal El Dib، Liban
kontakter telefon: +961 70 886 980
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Latitude: 33.903411, Longitude: 35.579122

kommentar 5

  • Mario Haddad

    Mario Haddad


    Prana is a friendly chilling space, where u can hang out with friends play some trending board games, prices are low, fridays are the most busiest days, they have this great collection of tea from around the world, altough its a tiny spaces but its very cozy. And its a pet friendly.

  • Stephanie Elangovan

    Stephanie Elangovan


    For people who love being natural its the best place where you can be yourself and feel as if you're at home.

  • en

    Alex Ghauch


    Beautiful place if you want to chill. A small menu of simple drinks and snacks is offered. Drawings are available for you to colour. Also, you can play board games that are offered by this place.

  • Jessica Ghaleb

    Jessica Ghaleb


    Amazing place! Lovely staff! The vibes are real! I'll definitely come back again and again!

  • Georgio Cherfane

    Georgio Cherfane


    it serves its purpose, it's really relaxing and chilling. It's a great place to read a book maybe, or to meet up with your friends and play a board game or color or even for a simple chat. However, I do not recommend it if you want to study or work.

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