Dunkin Donuts i Zalka

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LibanonDunkin Donuts



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Zalka Highway, Zalka, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 4 711 965
internet side: www.ddlebanon.com
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Latitude: 33.904491, Longitude: 35.573763

kommentar 5

  • Farah matta

    Farah matta


    This is by far my favorite coffee shop in Lebanon and definitely my favorite Dunkin Donuts branch. I’ve been going there regularly for the past 5 or 6 years. Great management and amazing and friendly staff!

  • Marwan Karake

    Marwan Karake


    A very nice place to hang out with friends and enjoy their delicious coffee. The service is perfect, and the staff are very friendly. I highly recommend this place.

  • Christelle Chami

    Christelle Chami


    This is by far the best Dunkin Donuts branch. Open 24/7, friendly staff and great ambiance. I’ve been going there daily for the last 5 or 6 years.

  • Rachel Chaaya

    Rachel Chaaya


    A very nice place to hang out with friends and enjoy a coffee that couldn't be any more perfect! The donuts... yum!! The service is fast, and the team behind the counter is super friendly :) Highly recommend this shop !!

  • Leila Sawma

    Leila Sawma


    This is their best and busiest branch. They offer literally the best coffee in Lebanon, you can also buy their coffee beans to make your own coffee at home. Their donuts are to die for, a huge range of donuts ranging from plain to chocolate filled and glazed. I really recommend their ham and cheese croissant it’s perfectly made and really tasty. Because it’s a coffee place and you can open the windows you can smoke everywhere inside the place except for the closed quite room in the upper level ( it’s also perfect to study or work in it). The prices are really affordable 2.5$ for an amazing coffee is a good deal. Their staff are young and energetic. I love their valet parking guy, he’s been with them ever since i remember, always greets you with a huge smile. Highly recommended 👌

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