Dunkin Donuts i Nahr el Mot

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonDunkin Donuts



🕗 åbningstider

City Mall, Nahr el Mot, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 884 142
internet side: www.ddlebanon.com
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Latitude: 33.897055, Longitude: 35.565453

kommentar 5

  • Marina Harfouche

    Marina Harfouche


    Original review: I always pass to eat a donut there, I like it, quite place, friendly employees, clean, I passed took my favorite strawberry donut topped with the delicious strawberry cream on it. I like also they have cables to recharge our phones iPads... Its perfect for a business meeting. 25.11.2016: To take a break with a donut is something very important to me, I stopped by, the donut was not fresh at all, the employee so rude, Big disappointing!!!!!! 21.12.2016 I took a combo today choosing a Christmas donut, delicious and nutritious meal, the employee was very polite and respectful, also smiley. I loved their attitude and enjoyed the Crab salad Will come back soon 05.06.2018 I took today an American with a strawberry donut. Delicious and fresh. I didn't like when I paid he didn't ask me if i have a DD account on their application! Why they ask us to install the application if they don't follow up with it!

  • hussein nassrallah

    hussein nassrallah


    The place to study The way to success😊

  • Hani El Ammar

    Hani El Ammar


    Nice place and great employees

  • en

    Lewaa Bou Imad


    Amazing stuff and service

  • en

    Mohamed Atoui


    Best place for meetings and hangout wiz friends in Dora

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