Kimantra Spa / Dbayeh i Mount Lebanon Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonKimantra Spa / Dbayeh



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Jounieh - Beirut Highway, Matn, Mount Lebanon Governorate, LB Liban
kontakter telefon: +961 4 546 654
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Latitude: 33.9366665, Longitude: 35.5912054

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nile Solin


    Always the most relaxing time at the Kimantra ;-) Thank you all.

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    Melissa Koptawi


    Surprisingly exceptionally excellent massage, not one muscle was forgotten My legs to my deepest neck muscles to my lower back ,,, it was 80 min of surprises

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    Georgette Hachem Khalil


    I love going to Kimantra Spa! The moment I get there the smell automatically releases happy hormones. The rooms are so unique, the same massage in another room gives it a different feel. I have tried 3 different therapists so far and I enjoy the pressure and their techniques. I would like to send my appreciation for their great service offered after the massage, from the shower facilities, to the relaxation room and to the tea and biscuits. I enjoy each moment I spend there.

  • Rita Ghostine

    Rita Ghostine


    Fabulous place.So relaxing atmosphere. Love kimantraspa

  • en

    Jennifer Gutierrez


    I wasn't impressed with their services. I am sure they are better when it is not a holiday, but yesterday they weren't. I usually go to the one in Beirut where the front desk is friendlier and the quality of message is more professional. I recommend going to the one in Beirut. Yesterday I went to the Dbayeh branch, and they changed my appointment, did not give me two rooms like I asked, and the front desk rushed me into the message when we arrived early to drink tea.

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