Pet Zone i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonPet Zone



🕗 åbningstider

Msaytbeh, Beirut, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 700 843
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.8834836, Longitude: 35.4969019

kommentar 5

  • Marwan Abdallah

    Marwan Abdallah


    Salim salam branch was good, rouche branch was so bad, the pictures of animals posted to social media, don't show the actual ones available at their shop, the employee was all the time talking on the phone, we had to wait for him to finish flirting with his girl and finish his phone call.

  • Antoine Harfouche

    Antoine Harfouche


    Nice place, very clean! Average price range... Parking sometimes hard to find

  • en

    Khalid Tiba


    Nice place for aquarium fish

  • Marwan Wahbi

    Marwan Wahbi


    Although I didn't buy my pet from them, they have very friendly and helpful staff plus wide variety of food and accessories. The fish section needs slight improvement with regard to variety.

  • Sabeen Sleiman

    Sabeen Sleiman


    I’ve been to countless pet stores and this is by far one the best I’ve been to. Great place! The animals are happy friendly and clean and well taken care of. They got a variety of pet products you can chose from. The place is really clean and smell amazing. I recommend this place to every animal lover, and would avise to check it out when ever you get the chance.

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