Pet Mart i Chiyah

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonPet Mart



🕗 åbningstider

Chiyah, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 842 909
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Latitude: 33.8397952, Longitude: 35.4845534

kommentar 5

  • en

    Majd Al-Khatib


    Great collection of fresh water and salt water fish and dogs , cats , birds ...

  • Bahaa Hamdan

    Bahaa Hamdan


    That's my and my friends' review of Pet Mart When you call to ask to buy a pet, theyll ask you to contact them on whatsapp on two different numbers. the first number , they will read your messages and never reply, on the second number they will reply, but then disappear , then you'll text again and they reply and then disappear, and eventually you'll get very few details of what you need and the price. the price will double the moment you go to their shop to pay the deposit. they'll say, aw i thought you meant you want a doberman not a german doberman . or whatever. i will make sure i never visit this store in all its branches and i will make sure i will share my really bad review of it to all my friends and acquaintances. and for the people in Charge of this shop, Thank you for wasting everyone's precious time!! ah and one more thing, the items you see in that shop, please before you buy any, go to any shop and you'll find the same item in half the price.

  • Maher Iskandar

    Maher Iskandar


    Nice staff

  • Hadi Dayeh

    Hadi Dayeh


    Good but expensive

  • en

    Doctor Doctor


    Good place to find pet supply and all types of animals

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