Sip i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Gouraud, Beirut, Beirut, LB Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 3 197 166
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Latitude: 33.8951613, Longitude: 35.5152216

kommentar 5

  • Tarek Naaman

    Tarek Naaman


    Very happening coffee shop in Gemayze. Dog friendly. Great staff, the owner is very welcoming. The garden is small but very cozy. A must visit.

  • marwan haddad

    marwan haddad


    Hidden gem in gemayzeh area. Very nice coffee place to enjoy a calm Sunday morning , with a book in hand, relaxing on the couches, in their small backyard . I tried the banana cake and the brownie with dates, they were very delicious . I will definitely go back and try the rest of the menu. Apparently they have delicious sandwiches as well .

  • en

    Amandine Bressand


    Great spot to chill/meet friends/have a drink. Very luminous and airy. Pleasant little backyard area.

  • Stephanie Hays

    Stephanie Hays


    Hip coffee shops seem to be a dime a dozen in Beirut, but this one was our favorite! The staff were nice, the coffee was good, and the decor in the place was to die for! Lovely patio area outside too, away from the hustle bustle of wonderful Beirut!

  • Matthew McGarry

    Matthew McGarry


    Excellent coffee and a very relaxed space, partly inside and partly outside in a small but leafy courtyard to the back. They also serve limited cakes, salads and sandwiches. A very popular coffee shop so it's often crowded. Located on the up-and-coming Gouraud Street, just across from the St Nicholas Stairs.

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