Backburner i Bayrut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ariss w Kanafani, Bayrut, Beirut, LB Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 989 343
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8942003, Longitude: 35.5074531

kommentar 5

  • Samir Abou-Nassif

    Samir Abou-Nassif


    Very cozy gourmet coffee shop in Saifi Village. Their coffee is amazing and the place is very cozy. The staff is very friendly.

  • en

    Sami Abou Saab


    Amazing coffee place with some carefully selected desserts originating from multiple healthy dessert places in Lebanon! It offers a very good matcha latte, something not very accessible in Beirut, it is very well done and highly comparable to ones found internationally. It also provides coconut sugar as an alternative to white sugar, something that makes you leave the place with a light healthy feeling!

  • Jacinta de caires

    Jacinta de caires


    Funky lil cafe with the beat coffee in town. Baristas treat it carefully and know how important it is to wake up to the right stuff. They sell organic products and small snacks. Cakes and brownies ... homemade style. Foreigners and locals alike come here for the good stuff.

  • Karim Othman

    Karim Othman


    A nice and quite coffee shop where you can get to work on your laptop while having a nice cup of coffee or tea with a lovely piece of cake. And staff are really very nice and helpful. The only down side is that seating is limited to only few tables. If you are around and want a nice coffee then I would recommend this place.

  • Gilbert Ghazal

    Gilbert Ghazal


    A nice coffee place in Saifi with a variety of healthy coffee blends and organic tea, they also have sweets that are healthy and delicious.

nærmeste Cafe

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