Port lotniczy Bejrut i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonPort lotniczy Bejrut


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Beirut, Liban
kontakter telefon: +961 1 628 000
internet side: www.beirutairport.gov.lb
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.8193756, Longitude: 35.4912043

kommentar 5

  • de

    Mohammad Tarek


    The worst Airport I’ve ever seen and yesterday I came yesterday from a european Country and I waited for more than 3 Hours at the Passports Controll. It’s the last Time I come to Lebanon And the reason is this Airport !!!!

  • Piyush Chaurasia

    Piyush Chaurasia


    Good security staff, very helpful but infrastructure needs upgradation..while arriving from any place you have to pay the visa charges..so keep dollors or Lebanese currency for the same. The current price is 1$=1500 lebanese ponds..if u are using ATM for withdrawal then it will be very costly..they will charge 5 dollars as the processing fees. Happy and safe journeys..

  • Bastiaan Pauw

    Bastiaan Pauw


    Airport is not qualified to meet up with the standards nowadays. Writing a passengers check in list on paper? Charging 6.5$ for a fair cappuccino? Toilet experience was fair/good.

  • en

    Dheya Assaf


    We were at cafematik they wanted to charge us 9000 L.L for a cup of hot water to make my sons bottle very expensive and they are the only one that sell water near the gates.... so sad that they take advantage of travellers

  • Longa Climb

    Longa Climb


    Controlli sicurezza lunghissimi soprattutto per i transfer, molto scarno, diciamo che si trova l' essenziale. Al bar al primo piano sono molto gentili ma molto lenti. Belli i reperti archeologici

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