Beirut Lufthavn i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonBeirut Lufthavn


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Beirut, Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 628 000
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8193756, Longitude: 35.4912043

kommentar 5

  • Longa Climb

    Longa Climb


    Controlli sicurezza lunghissimi soprattutto per i transfer, molto scarno, diciamo che si trova l' essenziale. Al bar al primo piano sono molto gentili ma molto lenti. Belli i reperti archeologici

  • Ali Hussein

    Ali Hussein


    We Call five times car rental office, and no one answered bad service

  • en

    Ryan Nikolov


    If you want to experience the most miserable customer service then BEY is the place. The staff were rude all the way from the check in desks to the boarding points. My relative was traveling from Beirut to Istanbul and she had to pay for overweight which is absolutely normal and acceptable after which upon boarding the staff started asking questions and I am quoting: “Have you been to Syria”, something that is non of their business after which they have started to become picky and rude asking if her cabin bag had overweight. After establishing that the bag had 1 kg. extra, something that should be done on the check in desk they offered her in the most disgusting way to pay $200 for that 1 kg something that I couldn’t find on their website. Then they carry on saying: “It’s either you or the bag”, “we cannot wait for you” and “bring her checked bag of the plane and leave her here”! Honestly I was mortified and shocked. She didn’t have choice but leaving the bag in the airport which contained necessary and valuable items, things that you would usually put in your cabin bag. If I could I would definitely give less than one star. Airport experience should be at it highest standards everywhere and should treat people respectfully and politely. I will have to consider a legal action if they lost or refuse to return the bag.

  • Edward Nuri

    Edward Nuri


    Carrying a shisha on board the aircraft won't raise an eyebrow. Carrying scuba regulators will draw the attention of highly-trained security personnel clad in camouflaged pajamas. Avoid this airport at all cost if transiting to another destination.

  • Maher Jebara

    Maher Jebara


    Difficult to rate really. Mixed emotions it has lot of good but a lot of bad. On the good side some of the staff is friendly, there shopping options are huge and fairly well priced which is surprising for an airport. You can basically get good deals on most items. As for bad, customer service could also be increased for sure. Cleanliness of airport in general, they smoke everywhere even though signs say no smoking. Huge line ups so PLEASE MAKE SURE to arrive much earlier then normal to ensure you have no problems. Come at least 3 hours prior to flight.

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