Park Tower Suites i Beirut

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LibanonPark Tower Suites


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President Elias Sarkis Avenue, Beirut, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 333 314
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Latitude: 33.8861367, Longitude: 35.5145945

kommentar 5

  • Joseph Pillado

    Joseph Pillado


    Helpful staff and great breakfast

  • Jim Krigbaum

    Jim Krigbaum


    Nice room ok service limited food

  • Meelis Veeremets

    Meelis Veeremets


    Location is a bit further from nightlife spots than some other hotels frequent visitors love, but rooms I have had are huge and Inhave always had also two balconies. Room to work, room to sleep. This is my choice over all others in Beirut.

  • en

    mehdi mellah


    The suite is nice and big, location is peaceful. Breakfast average But the gym is well equiped and really makes the hotel worth it Plus indoor swimming pool My favourite in Beirut so far

  • Rana Gebran

    Rana Gebran


    A great hotel for someone coming for business, but also a good choice if you're back tourist. The room is designed in a way that allows space. It comes with a small kitchen and utensils. The bathroom was somewhat smaller than id like it to be. The staff is truly helpful and you get free access to the spa under it (indoor pool, jacuzzi and gym) It's an affordable, clean, well located and modern place. Highly recommended

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