Hotel Albergo i بيروت

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LibanonHotel Albergo


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Abdel Wahab El Inglizi street, بيروت, بيروت, LB Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 339 797
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Latitude: 33.8880722, Longitude: 35.5102659

kommentar 5

  • Bernard Wong

    Bernard Wong


    Great hotel with great service and attention to detail. The rooms' decor may come a bit of a surprise but it was great nonetheless. Located in a somewhat historical building, the elevator was a playful experience. The only thing would be a bit removed from the center and other tourist sites and not much in the immediate area, but other than that, a wonderful experience overall!

  • Hussain Ali

    Hussain Ali


    Amazing place .. defiantly i will visit it again

  • Faissal Abdallah

    Faissal Abdallah


    Great place and great food

  • en

    UmmAali 1978


    A good restaurant. Food is good with many varieties. The appetizer menu is amazing. I love their cocktails. Service is good. Staff are welcoming and helpful.

  • Rudy S

    Rudy S


    Amazing little escape with history from the city, while you are in the midst of action. The roof top is situated on top of a historic hotel. The History , Mood, location simply amazing The food is another level Super classy and tasty It deserves every rating that I gave.

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