Horsh Tabet Park i Sin El Fil

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LibanonHorsh Tabet Park


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Sin El Fil, Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961
internet side: sinelfil.gov.lb
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Latitude: 33.8723132, Longitude: 35.5402505

kommentar 5

  • john okoko

    john okoko


    Nice park with many people to socialize with

  • en

    Myrana Naim


    Very nice park. Small, and almost one level, so beside few steps, safe for kids. Only one entrance, which makes it easier to suppervise children. Acceptable play ground(though some are in bad condition). For children who love to play football, bring a soft ball(not the hard footballs, as not allowed). Dogs are not allowed in. Lovely tiny library.

  • Fouad Hajj

    Fouad Hajj


    Great clean park, not very crowded with well maintained play areas. I would have given it 5 Stars if it weren't for the extremely impolite / rude guard on the door, by mistake we were playing with our daughter and we stepped on the grass which apparently we were not allowed to do and the guy started shouting heavily at us. Other than this incident everything else was good.

  • Lamys Haddad

    Lamys Haddad


    Nice park nice area - clean - kids can play and spend nice time

  • en

    Hani Saghir


    One of the best public gardens in Lebanon. Clean, not too crowded, and well maintained.

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