Horsh Beirut - حرج بيروت i Beirut

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LibanonHorsh Beirut - حرج بيروت



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Beirut, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 987 979
internet side: horshbeirut.shellsbeach.co
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Latitude: 33.8711577, Longitude: 35.5103596

kommentar 5

  • en

    norlena kobersi


    Nice to have such a get away in beirut! Wish it was of a bigger area. Great for families! would've liked narrow paths and access within the green areas too, not just the main gravel road.

  • Bader Helal

    Bader Helal


    Great place for picnics. One of the last green spots in Beirut. Lots of trees and good size for walking or for daily jogging. The only thing about this green space is that it shuts in summer at 17:00, which is a bit early for my taste. And the guards can be rude sometimes kicking people out when it's time to close. Other than that it's a wonderful spot.

  • en



    The Horsh is great .. but the rules are insane. Not allowed to sit on grass or walk on. Where are children suppose to play !! They need fresh air , green grass and to explore the nature . Lots of kiosks around the Horsh. Empty ..if the guards are around , people will not throw garbage or ruin the garden and still they can enjoy the greenery and sit on grass.

  • en

    Zeina Sawaya


    Being the only park in Beirut, horsh Beirut is a beautiful spacious garden with a variety of trees but mostly pine trees. It is recommended for all families with kids as well as athletes who like running, I like to go running there as it is a very relaxing place. The only problem is that it is only open from 7AM to 1PM during week days and 7AM to 5PM (7PM during summer) during weekends.

  • Khaled Saleh

    Khaled Saleh


    Such a tiny haven in overwhelmingly Beirut. Wish we had a true pine forest and more spaces. Curators should consider adding some stands and concessions. Just in a limited area not to spoil what precious little there is.

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