Citymall i Jdeideh

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Jdeideh, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 905 555
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Latitude: 33.8975014, Longitude: 35.5647611

kommentar 5

  • en

    Georges Younes


    This is an unexciting mall that has an extremely strategic location at the northern entrance of the city of Beirut. For many people who take the north highway to get home from work, it constitutes an opportunity to shop for groceries and other items without having to go out of their way to do it. Being directly connected to the north highway is the single fact that brings many customers to this mall. Being right on the highway is as much a blessing as it is a nuisance because access to the mall can be difficult at rush hour. The recent addition of a Carrefour supermarket fills a gap that was left when the previous supermarket chain closed its store in the mall.

  • Sadine Hilal

    Sadine Hilal


    This mall is big and nice u can find restaurants in a big food court.Shops to buy clothe like LC Waikiki H&M and etc.. very amazing . Coffee shop . Carfour supermarket it's new . Treasure island for kids . A large zone for kids to play and have fun .

  • Ralph Sayah

    Ralph Sayah


    Good place to shop for clothes and groceries. Cinema and parking available. One of the best malls in Beirut.

  • Amy A

    Amy A


    The best mall in Lebanon for me! It has all one needs for shopping and fun even for the kids, and an amazing variety of food plus a great supermarket.

  • en

    elie harb


    Lot of empty shops. Parking can be misguiding and lacks proper guidance and attendant. Food court is good with a wide selection. Movie theaters are good and the movies area is welcoming. Overall not a bad place but there are better malls in the area with better crowds and higher level of brands

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