Beirut Mall i Lebanon-Hazmieh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonBeirut Mall



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Gioseppo Beirut Centre Mall City Centre Mall, Ground Floor, Lebanon-Hazmieh, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 284 404
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Latitude: 33.8673844, Longitude: 35.51585

kommentar 5

  • en

    Georges Younes


    I visit Beirut Mall simply because it is the closest one to where my family lives. I would not go out of my way to go there, simply because there are many other malls in Beirut that are superior. This one is OK, but the choices remain limited.

  • en

    yehia agha


    Lots of options, very well organised & VERY clean!

  • Imad Elia

    Imad Elia


    Good choice of stores and plenty of parking spaces. But the noise level is too high caused by Adventure Land on the top floor. Feels like airplanes are landing on top of your head every five minutes.

  • Mouhamad Mounzer

    Mouhamad Mounzer


    I recommend this place for shopping, it has a big free parking to park your car and there is a supermarket there where you can find everything you need with some outlets.

  • en

    abdul aziz khatoun


    l love Beirut mall and hope it will regain its previous standard sooner than expected because it is at 5 minutes walk from all directions . I don't know why this mall has lost its massive tenants who represented the national and international . majority majority in

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