Vinotheque i Beirut

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Abdul Wahab El Inglizi, Beirut, Beirut, LB Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 202 477
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Latitude: 33.8881117, Longitude: 35.5097806

kommentar 5

  • Johnny Waked

    Johnny Waked


    They have a wonderful tasty variety of alcohol, especially wine (local and imported), the service is amazing and so is the boutique.

  • ahmad harb

    ahmad harb


    Vinotheque is a nice little shop on Abdul Wahab street that serves a selection of French Bourgogne wine and whiskey , Lebanese wine, and other selection of spirits. The owner and staff are really friendly knowledgeable and helpful, the shop is warm, cosy, and very well decorated with a wooden wintery ambiance, and you can get a real bargain for your wine from there. With a wide collection of wines lf French and Lebanese , Vinotheque succeeds in catering for many tastes. The fruity, well balanced and flavourful Bourgogne wine in all their varieties is an absolute must try! Make sure to pay Vinotheque a visit when you're around town and I promise you won't be disappointed.

  • Elie Salloum

    Elie Salloum


    You will never feel the difference between a bottle of wine on a shelf in a supermarket, and the one at Vinotheque until you try it , believe me you won't regret. Staff are very informative and helpful. I strongly recommend this shop.

  • en

    Marc Daou


    If you like wine then definitely this is the place where you should go! I had a great experience while visiting this cozy and warm shop. Tried some of their finest wine, it was super tasty! Reasonable prices and the quality and service you get worth every single penny. I highly recommend it!!!

  • Toni Sfeir

    Toni Sfeir


    Lovely warm shop with a great selection of French and Lebanese brands. Competitive prices and good value for money.

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