The Junkyard i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonThe Junkyard



🕗 åbningstider

Beirut, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 3 945 961
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Latitude: 33.8969388, Longitude: 35.5285691

kommentar 5

  • Elya Chanto

    Elya Chanto


    The place is very beautiful and very organized, but the order was so slow, almost an hour and a half. You should work on that more because it’s a big place and we got very impatient. NOT gonna come again.

  • en

    Fadi Alloush


    The place is nice and the drinks are delicious. However, the service is slow and the staff did not cooperate well with us. They overcharged us and misguided us when it came to ordering our drinks. The fans werent working properly as well! Should consider changing the staff asap.

  • en

    pierre Nader


    Nice waitress. Very nice place, Upcycling is there thing. Beautiful

  • en

    Osama Shamseddine


    Nice place...multiple areas...depending on your mood and what you are looking for...

  • Issa Maalouf

    Issa Maalouf


    Nice place... Nice atmosphere... A nice Junkyard made from steal where you can dance, drink and have fun... In the summer they have a rooftop and a yard for hookas and food outside in a nice setting... We had fun drinking and dancing... We had mosciw mules, gin basil and beers... There was a belly dancer around midnight... And a DJ all night long... It was a good experience... friendly staff... Good service... It is recommended...

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