Nicolas Sursock Museum i Bayrut

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LibanonNicolas Sursock Museum



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Greek Orthodox Archbishopric Street, Ashrafieh,، Bayrut, Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 202 001
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Latitude: 33.8932594, Longitude: 35.516409

kommentar 5

  • Bumshi McClinton

    Bumshi McClinton


    definitely worth a visit. presented more contemporary art, but many interesting historical artifacts, as well as preserved the historical design and the filling of individual rooms. next to a good restaurant with a pleasant atmosphere.

  • en

    Georges Younes


    This is one of the rare art museums in the city of Beirut. It features temporary exhibits and has a permanent collection that focuses on the work of Lebanese artists. Another attraction is the building of the museum. Visitors are frequently fascinated by its architecture and design. A recent renovation makes it just as worthy of a visit as the featured art. Highly recommended.

  • Tareq Muhmood

    Tareq Muhmood


    A gem in the heart of Sursock, Beirut. I have been here 3 times and will come back. The size makes it good for a one or two hour browse. Then the cafe and small shop are well worth a stop. The date cake is a real treat :)

  • Naseem Ferdowsi

    Naseem Ferdowsi


    Small, well-kept museum. Lovely outdoor cafe available to the left when you enter the museum grounds. Beautiful for a coffee or glass of wine. The museum is donation based and there’s no entry fee. The entire place can be toured in under an hour if you’re quick. Not sure how often things change there, but it seems to be an active museum. Guards/stafd inside weren’t too observant (busy playing on their phones) or intrusive at all.

  • Elias Chnais

    Elias Chnais


    There is not doubt that the museum building is iconic and it is my favorite part of the museum. The little that remains of the former garden is interesting. I am not sure how the building looked from the inside before it was transformed into a museum, but it seems to have lost much of its charm. The permanent collection features some beautiful artwork by mostly Lebanese painters. The level 1 of the museum showcases the former glory of the interior.

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