Nakhal & Cie i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonNakhal & Cie



🕗 åbningstider

Beirut, Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 389 389
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8736544, Longitude: 35.5178857

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hisham Ramadan


    A reputable company, professional staff, excellent service.

  • Karl Haswany

    Karl Haswany


    Disgusting thieves that change the price according to what you’re wearing. Incompetent, rude and unqualified staff that would even lie to you just to sell you the trip. Extremely dirty plane and rude hostesses. Go to other travel agencies,prices are much much lower for better.

  • yasmine karanouh

    yasmine karanouh


    Great service , staff very professional always available with best advices

  • en

    Slm Nj


    After entering the lobby, you will be greeted by a receptionist, to guide you through the building, in the first floor there is many travel agents each one for a specific country(ies). The place ia very neat.

  • en

    Mika Koivisto


    They offer a large variety of tours bookable online or by the phone. Payable at the day of the tour with no deposit needed which is nice. They generally leave a relatively professional picture of their services. However their prices are in the high side, the biggest issue faced with them that they have managed to employ to the most reckless drivers of whole Lebanon. You are really afraid for your life with them and unfortunately their bigger vehicles don't come with seat belts.

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