V.I.Pet Animal Center i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonV.I.Pet Animal Center



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Ibtihage Kadoura, Beirut, Beirut, LB Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 792 090
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Latitude: 33.8776299, Longitude: 35.4827419

kommentar 5

  • en

    Midhat Annan



  • Saad Dabbous

    Saad Dabbous


    Nice people and good treatment!

  • en

    elie balaa


    Very nice place with amazing services. Professional and fast response. A big thumbs up 👍🏻 Must visit

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    Tamador Dais Alaweih


    This place is not recommended at all, I'm sharing our story in order to save other ppl whom consider to have pet from this horrible place... We went to get a puppy last week of July, we paid the money for the dog and we keep it at the shop cause we couldn't bring him home at that time, our plan was to take the puppy with us out of Lebanon since we are not live abroad. We get back on Sunday 30th of July to get him, and our flight was on 2nd of August, first of all they tried to give us another puppy but my kid he recognized that was not his puppy, finally the gave us our puppy but he had a red bleeding spot on his face and the hair was removed the told us this's nothing will put some cream and he will get better. They told us will not give him any vaccine now because he will travel and this'll make him tired and sick, we said ok when we get our home will give him the vaccines. On Friday 04th of August we gave him the vaccine on Monday 7th of August we check him into the hospital cause he spent Sunday vomit and not eating.... Today he passed away........... When we ask here why this's happened they said your dog was missing his vaccines and he still so young to change 3 countries in this short period, first when he get sick we tried to contact them and ask them why the puppy is missing his vaccines, they have been very rude and didn't cooperate, their answer was: the age of the dog is not correct!!!! And when i asked what is his correct age the said exactly " والله يا مدام ما كنا حضرانين عاولادة الكلبة" can you believe it!!! And the age is very important for the vaccines for example we can't give him rabies vaccine before 3 months old cause it will be useless!!! Today we talk to the vet in this place and to the owner and we didn't hear from him sorry for ur lost or anything that comforting us ... The puppy stay with us one week only we paid this guy 1200$, he hides facts on us he care only about the money, all his concern that we will ask for our money back, because he knows that we have the right but we don't, the most difficult part for the whole story is how to explain to 7 years old that fluppy puppy not here anymore.. R.I.P fluppy puppy

  • Abdallah Chamas

    Abdallah Chamas


    Proficient and they get the job done

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