Urban Central Suites - Beirut i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonUrban Central Suites - Beirut



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Dekwaneh Nefaa St, Beirut, Líbano
kontakter telefon: +961 1 488 927
internet side: www.urbancentralsuites.com
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Latitude: 33.8800006, Longitude: 35.544202

kommentar 5




    One of the best hotel that I've been before. I was really impressed by the 5 stars services. Thanks a lot Rakan, Elias, Ali, and all the guys for your hospitality. Special Thanks for Mr. Joe I really appreciate.

  • en

    Samer Youssef


    A home away from home. Special prices for rooms. Lovely staff. Good location.

  • Dimitrios Karagiorgas

    Dimitrios Karagiorgas


    Absolutely incredible place. Worth visiting.

  • en

    Diego DABÈNE


    My experience at Urban Central Suites was a fantastic one. The room, the location and the service were impeccable. In particular, the breakfast was delicious, and the receptionist (Elias) was friendly, helpful and efficient. I definitely recommend this hotel!

  • Loree Karagiorgas

    Loree Karagiorgas


    Really nice hotel and the service was excellent. We really enjoyed our time there (4 nights)

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