Union Square Yoga Beirut i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonUnion Square Yoga Beirut



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Beirut, Líbano
kontakter telefon: +961
internet side: usyoga.wordpress.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.8880073, Longitude: 35.5150119

kommentar 4

  • Amelia Charles

    Amelia Charles


    A yoga studio with real authenticity and depth. World class teachers whose offerings are truly memorable in a sea of many yoga options in Beirut.

  • en

    Martina Larsson


    This is a simply brilliant studio. I practiced at Union Square Yoga during a one week visit to Beirut and am very happy to have found this little haven in an overwhelming and often challenging city. The teachers are great, very friendly and knowledgeable; the space is clean and overall harmonious. A plus is the bowl of free dates at the reception offering a well needed sugar rush after a touch class! I recommend this studio to anyone visiting Beirut!

  • Fouad Gerges

    Fouad Gerges


    By far the best

  • Ziad Jureidini

    Ziad Jureidini


    Where do I begin… Of all the yoga studios and instructors that I have practiced with from Asia to North America, I have yet to find a space as real and welcoming as this one. Union Square Yoga gave me a new perspective that motived me to commit to a regular practice. One of the instructors, Dani, who’s exceptionally devoted and fun to work with, composes her classes like a symphony. Starting off with chanting and a dharma talk, then flowing into a sweaty-hard practice, and ending in a short meditation. All of this is accompanied by music - from her instrument to an exceptional playlist that I wish I could Shazam ;)

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