Specialized Group Practice i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonSpecialized Group Practice


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Sodeco, Sodeco Square, Bloc B, 10th Floor, Beirut, Liban
kontakter telefon: +961 1 612 762
internet side: www.specializedgrouppractice.com
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Latitude: 33.88616, Longitude: 35.5087711

kommentar 5

  • Paola Aoun

    Paola Aoun


    Neat venue, very professional and friendly doctors and staff, but above all, great outcome. After 10 months of Invisalign treatment, the results are beyond my expectations. Special thanks to Dr. Patrick Anhoury!

  • en

    Maya Al khoury


    My son had braces because his front teeth were sticking out. He got exactly what he needed. Dr Anhoury was very efficient and comforting during the treatment. It was a smooth experience. Would absolutely recommend him to anyone.

  • en

    Ghassan Saber


    I had an Invisalign treatment to align my front teeth instead of regular braces because I didn't want people to notice especially in my line of work. I started seeing the results week after week and 6 months later my teeth were aligned. I wish I had done it much earlier instead of hesitating all these years. I was impressed and at ease with Dr Anhoury. I didn't feel any pain. It was a very smooth experience. Thank you for the high end treatment.

  • Patrick Chemali

    Patrick Chemali


    The team at SGP are absolutely amazing. The professionalism is beyond compare coupled with a rare friendliness. As a techie myself I always keep an eye on what gadgets and tools various professionals use in their line of business and I am always taken by surprise with their techniques and cutting edge use of technology!

  • Angela Jaber

    Angela Jaber


    J'aimerais savoir c'est quoi le Email de dentiste Céline Harb S.V.P

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