Saint George Hospital University Medical Center i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonSaint George Hospital University Medical Center



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Beirut, Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 441 000
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Latitude: 33.8937793, Longitude: 35.523659

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ramzi Chartouni


    Overcrowded lots of traffic to reach the hospital and parking crisis resume it's a mess

  • haroutc



    They kept my father in the emergency making all the “tests needed” for more than 5 hours before saying “we have no room available” and after long negotiation, we discovered that they did all the tests only to get money and they knew from the beginning that “they have no rooms”. Now my father’s life is at risk in another hospital because of this negligence and waste of precious time... shame (update: my father died due to this negligence...)

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    Soha El Mogharbel


    sure its better than other hospital, all my pregnancy was at the hospital and they were like my family

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    Jad Mourad


    The admission on its own can give you a reason to have an other new sickness than the one you came to get treatment for. I don't understand why they won't work on this area and would rather keep people extremely angry everytime they have to come to the hospital. This is outrageous

  • en

    Simon Haidar


    Little pricey but neat, clean, and caring. Everything is labeled and organized.

nærmeste Hospital

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