Riba cafe Ouzai i Chiyah

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LibanonRiba cafe Ouzai



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Chiyah, Líbano
kontakter telefon: +961 3 219 361
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Latitude: 33.8473478, Longitude: 35.4836659

kommentar 5

  • Ali Assi

    Ali Assi


    One of the best sea food places around with a great view of the ocean

  • Mohiedin Alshami

    Mohiedin Alshami


    إن كنت تريد سمك رائع عليك بهذا المطعم خدمه و نظافه رائع

  • Bilal Fawaz

    Bilal Fawaz


    Best fresh seafood food you can eat in this district.

  • Salah Zoghaib

    Salah Zoghaib


    Excellent sea food restaurant just facing the airport runway ! 50 $ per person without alcohol.

  • Yasser Allaw

    Yasser Allaw


    This place has a bit of specificity, which I personally consider positive. It is located in a crowded residential sea side area. To arrive their you have to take a very narrow alley fiting for one car. On the bright side, the buildings has been painted with many colors, making the area much more joyful. The restaurant's interior is similar to a small old Sandrock castle. The menu is mainly seafood oriented + a rich variety of Lebanese mezza (appetizers). It has a view on one of airport runaways. Downside: - Slightly overpriced.

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