mim museum i Bayrut

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Libanonmim museum



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Université Saint-Joseph Campus de L'innovation et du Sport (CIS),، Bayrut, Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 421 672
internet side: www.mim.museum
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Latitude: 33.8798086, Longitude: 35.51412

kommentar 5

  • Adnan Rababa

    Adnan Rababa


    Wonderful and very interesting types of minerals alloyes also a advanced scientific presentation with movies clips, when you see the strange shapes of the different collected minerals from all the world areas and the 5 continents you believe that God is present and these perfect creatures are made by him and not accidentally, Subhan Allah.

  • en

    Claudio Vieira


    I did not expect much of a rock museum. I was wrong. The mineral world is fabulous as the museum's architecture

  • osama z

    osama z


    Its absolutely the best museum you can find in lebanon, one of the greatest collections of rocks,gems and minerals in the world the gems here although natural feel like out of this world, if you visit Lebanon for a day you should start your day with this place for a great experience.

  • Lina GARRANA

    Lina GARRANA


    One of the best museums in Lebanon. It's only when you tour it that you nurture a deep appreciation for minerals and crystals. A very modern impresive setting at an international level. Nature comes out as the most talented artistic sculptress.

  • Elias Chnais

    Elias Chnais


    This is one fine museum. If you are in Beirut, make sure you don't miss it. Based on the private collection of one individual, the museum is place to more than 2000 items of mineral wonders. The colors and forms will inspire awe. It makes you appreciate natural wonders more. In addition to the minerals, the museum has a fossil collection. What's even greater is the light show in the fossil room. It makes the discovery of fossils more interesting and lively. I cannot recommend this place enough. Entrance for children under 12 is free, adults pay 4 dollars only. Students get special discounts too.

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