Lord Of The Wings i Muhafaza Dżabal Lubnan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonLord Of The Wings


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Kada Al-Matin, Liban
kontakter telefon: +961
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Latitude: 33.8969548, Longitude: 35.5650393

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elie Zaghrini


    Despite having a small venue in Citymall, Lord of the Wings has a long list of chicken products to pick from... i chose this time a couple of boneless and traditional wings and their different flavors, all of which tasted great. We also tried their boneless chicken which is recommended. The staff is quite friendly. The bill was small due to the combo packages we chose. Highly recommended.

  • Ali Hammoud

    Ali Hammoud


    The best place in which you may eat wings

  • Fred Kamel

    Fred Kamel


  • Gracy Boustany

    Gracy Boustany


    Best wings ever

  • Patrick Chemali

    Patrick Chemali


    Serving initially chicken wings exclusively with a rich selection of flavors place has evolved and now offers a much wider good variety. The good has been consistently good and rarely has anything been unsatisfactory. The staff are super efficient and friendly. It's really a great experience. I just wish they went back to serving Coke and Nestea instead of Pepsi and Lipton

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