Lock Stock i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonLock Stock



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Mar Mikhael, Beirut, Líbano
kontakter telefon: +961 76 773 277
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Latitude: 33.8970501, Longitude: 35.525501

kommentar 5

  • Dana Natout

    Dana Natout


    Great atmosphere, amazing staff, wonderful music!

  • Marguerita El Hajj

    Marguerita El Hajj


    Great place for happy hour or Saturday night with friends.

  • Maya Abou Chebl

    Maya Abou Chebl


    Toute la musique qu'on aime ! Très bons cocktails et burgers, les employés sont adorables. Les prix sont très raisonnables, très bel endroit pour les sorties entre amis

  • Marc Fayad

    Marc Fayad


    Not my first visit and surely not my last. I love this place for its music, on Saturday night it rocks. Drinks are tasty an FYI can order anything, the barman can do them all. It gets smokey inside once it's full and if you don't smoke it will bother you a bit.. so just take a quick walk outside to fresh air. Last thing prices are acceptable and staff friendly and they will remember you every time.

  • Jad Chebly

    Jad Chebly


    Great place with nice music serving cocktails and beer. It's a low cost place as most of the places in Mar Michael street and you should expect the crowd and traffic. I love the vibes in this street and how genuine the experience feels!

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