Libanpost i Mount Lebanon Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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🕗 åbningstider

Matn, Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 894 660
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Latitude: 33.891921, Longitude: 35.5635659

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christine K.


    The Phone number is Out Of Order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! None of the numbers I have called including their customer service 1577 was answered. SHAME! (30 mins later) I just tried their e-mail and another window. Let's see if I'm going to get an answer. The above I wrote on June 4, today is June 6. STILL NO REPLY TO MY E-MAIL. There should be minus star levels.

  • roukoz abou karam

    roukoz abou karam


    Had the worst experience ever! They lost an important document i had to send to the states and did nothing about it!!!

  • Cero cyka

    Cero cyka


    This review includes all Liban Post branches. It is a shame to have the name of our country in such a failure company. There is no organization whatsoever they will tell you that your item was delivered to your house but no one was available even if there was someone in the house all day, hence they are lying just to not waste any time or energy to deliver items especially the ones ordered from AliExpress. They will keep you waiting for few weeks before giving you a call and telling you that your item will either be delivered to your house or to the nearest Liban Post Retail for 3,000LBP, STEALING just stealing money from us even though the operator will tell you the exact same address that was given in the first place in the order from AliExpress. They just think we are stupid and do not know what they are trying to do..... It is just the frustration of waiting a long time to get an item ordered months ago that leads us to accept this kind of scamming. Funny thing that is run by the government. The operators on the second hand they are utterly unprofessional, rude and just lazy. The definition of a bad company: Liban Post.

  • Marina Harfouche

    Marina Harfouche


    أسوأ خدمة بريد في العالم. بريد مضمون داخل لبنان لا يصل ولا حتى شهر ! 05.04.2018 Today we received a post it takes long time to receive it & THE TERRIBLE thing now if we order a phone they kill you before giving you your phone and in every step they take money 💰 money money NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL

  • Avo Kupelian

    Avo Kupelian


    My packages never get delivered and I'll be told no one is home. I have written in the address to give it to my neighbour but they claim they're not home either. Even though I know for a fact the woman who lives there never leaves the house. Not mentioning the fact that we are always home as well. When you call, either the line is busy or they never answer. I can't even pick up my packages from there anymore.

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