Khoury Home i Zahlé

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonKhoury Home



🕗 åbningstider

Haouch El Oumaraa street، Zahlé, Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 238 033
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8259707, Longitude: 35.8980615

kommentar 5

  • Elie Chamoun

    Elie Chamoun


    Their special discounts are awsome... Got 600$ off of my new LG OLED 55" TV

  • طيف منير

    طيف منير


    مكان محترم فعلا و المعاملة به جيدة ... كل الامتنان لهم 🌹

  • أبو حمزة

    أبو حمزة


    هذا الفرع صغير ولا يحتوى على تشكيلة كافية لايقارن بافرع بيروت نهائيا

  • Michel Karouni

    Michel Karouni


    Very bad experience... staff unfriendly and unprofessional. They have all the brands you want but the customer service is very bad. Don’t recommend this store at all.

  • yehia agha

    yehia agha


    The collection is quite good, however, the staff need to know that misinforming customers is not good practice... we purchased a Stove, Washer & Dryer (same brand) for a lot more than the orthodox brands because of the unprecedented quality only to end up with major defects upon the first use... the service was alright but after 3 trips to our place trying to fix the reoccurring issues we were advised that there are some issues with this German brand name that we simply have to live with... definitely would not be going back any time soon...

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