Hollywood Inn i Jounieh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonHollywood Inn



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Facing Metro Super market Near Casino Du Liban, Maamelteine, Jounieh, Libanon
kontakter telefon: +961 3 829 181
internet side: www.hollywoodinnhotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.008273, Longitude: 35.648295

kommentar 5

  • en

    basel Alhasan


    simply fantastic

  • en

    Bassam Tarhini


    The 2 stars is only for the view, but I'll give no stars for the service since it was horrible. We drove all the way 2 days before the intended stay in order to reserve a room, we asked to pay a deposit but they said, its not necessary. We we got there 2 days after to check in, they said we don't have a reservation, then we had to find the clerk who we spoke with originally in order to check us in. The room had only shower towels so we asked for hand showers, then reminded them after 2 hours in order for us to get it. The towels didn't smell fresh and clean. The breakfast was not fresh, orange juice was spoiled. When we checked in, the AC was off in the room and we had to wait to get the room cool enough to be able to stay in such a hot weather. Not sure how many stars is this hotel, but hotels for me means comfort and good hospitality, where you feel home and relaxed. This definitely was not the case. If hotel stay means relaxation and pampering, then look somewhere else, other than Hollywood Inn hotel, Jounieh. Lebanese service really need to step up and start spending money on hiring and training able employees who can treat and respect customers.

  • Elie Atik

    Elie Atik


    Had a very pleasant stay!

  • Mike Gumma

    Mike Gumma


    It's a decent hotel not bad but nothing big deal as well, the price was in the middle not too high or too expensive the bathroom has some mold in it. There was no security at the front of the hotel. the same guy who helped us check in helped us with our luggage wasn't too professional.

  • Omar Salloum

    Omar Salloum


    Nice location but very slow service

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