Bike Generation i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonBike Generation



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Elias Al Hrawi Avenue, Beirut, Baabda, LB Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 398 442
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Latitude: 33.87542, Longitude: 35.523409

kommentar 5

  • Antoine Baraka

    Antoine Baraka


    The real exclusive bike shop available in Lebanon! Tens of Specialized all level bikes displayed with a wide variety of equipment and garments for all budgets. Passionate and helpful staff. A unique place for bikers in Lebanon.

  • monzer toza

    monzer toza


    It's a real professional bike shop

  • George Abi Habib

    George Abi Habib


    I have not been yet, but the response to Mr. Riyad Khatib was amazing ! :) hahahahah

  • en

    Saeed Milan


    Not a regular bicycles shop, more like your super bike consulting proffesional team. Absolutely and by far the best place you can find in all Lebanon.

  • en

    Riyad Al Khatib


    Once you buy, they start working on recommending an upgrade and what you buy is no more good. Very bad after sale which is the most important. i got a bike and when i ask for parts, they say they don't have as they stopped getting from this brand. Don't get seduced with their accents and British GM, as you will end up paying his salary

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