Al Madina Theater i Beirut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LibanonAl Madina Theater


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Masrah Al Madina, main street,, Beirut, Lebanon
kontakter telefon: +961 1 753 011
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Latitude: 33.8952943, Longitude: 35.4857687

kommentar 5

  • Hana Najjar

    Hana Najjar


    Nice theater. Nice setting. Comfortable coaches. Dinner served on tables before the show. Selecting people attending Respectful hosts and very helpful.

  • en

    Marianne Sawaya


    Almost every week a play is performed. It a good place to encourage lebanese thater

  • en

    Carole Sfeir


    It presents very good plays and performances but the amphitheatre need to be renovated by widening the spaces between chairs rows, its too uncomfortable

  • Johnny Baakliny

    Johnny Baakliny


    If you love theatre and the gold old times, masrah al madina is your place, it's one of the last and definitely & the best cultural hubs in Beirut if not in the entire country. Keep it up !!

  • Patrick Chemali

    Patrick Chemali


    This theater is one of the few remaining landmarks of performance arts in the capital. It is home to many plays and to various acting workshops. The place needs some renovation but the state of the premises does not interfere with theatrical experience.

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